Friday, April 20, 2012

Power Struggle

It's been a while, huh?  Did ya'll think I forgot to write?   ;)

I think that I'm going to take a slightly serious turn on today's blog.  There's something I want to talk about, and I think that it's something we all deal with in one way or another.

Power.  Or powerlessness? 

I'm one of those people who (admittedly) needs to have control over things.  That's my personality.  I'm a Virgo, and damn it, we hate it when we feel like we do not have a handle on our worlds.  Lately I've been feeling powerless in a number of ways.  I'm a nurturer by nature.  When something is broken, I want to fix it.  I guess that sort of explains some of the sour relationships I've had in the past.  Before my husband, I tended to date people who were 'broken' in one way or another, and I was always trying to fix them.  Alcoholism, depression, bi-polar - you name it.  If they had it, I was going to work miracles!! (Riiiight.)  Leanred that lesson the hard way time and time again.

In my own life, as of late, I feel like I just cannot get any sort of grip on the issues I'm dealing with.  I feel like career-wise, I'm not getting anywhere I want to be.  It's not for lack of trying, or lack of experience.  Maybe the timing is off?  I feel like I don't make enough money, and I can't do anything about it.  Second job?  Sure.  But then where is the family time?  I'm in a complete and utter rut in this regard.

 I feel like a few friends who are going through some personal things, I can't console the way I want to.  I want to just pluck them out of their bad situations and make them feel better.  But I know I can't.  They have to do that for themselves.  I know I have all my own things to worry about for sure, but that doesn't make me care any less about the people I love.

I know I'm not the only person out there that feels this way.  But lately, the feeling is just overwhelming.  I feel powerless in general.  In my own life.  In the lives of others.  At my job. . .What can I do to get out of this funk? 

Suggestions welcome.  I gotta get my groove back.

1 comment:

  1. I personally go to Mixers. Within an hour I know I have friends that will stop me from going out looking like an idiot, which means I'm at least one step ahead of 3/4 of the people that go to Mixers for reasons I don't want to know about.
