Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sweet 'N' Slow

I dislike Tuesdays.  In fact, I dislike all of the weekdays of every week.  Well, that's not entirely true.  On Monday mornings, I'm slightly excited to come back to work to escape the chaos of the homelife, but come Monday afternoon, I take that back.

Like most people, I have my irritants and annoyances.  I also have a lot of pet peeves.  For example, I strongly dislike it when a sponge is left INSIDE the sink.  It grosses me out to have to fish for that thing through piles of slimy and sticky dishes.  Also, it drives me crazy when our couch cushions wind up on the floor.  Might sound silly, but I hate having to remove a whole dog's worth of hair from a single cushion because it fell on the rug where a bunch of Candy and Tinsel's hair lies dormant.  Doesn't seem to matter how much we vaccuum.  If there's any fur left on the carpet, the cushions will find it!  Another thing that urks me is when the kids don't hang up their wet towels after their showers.  They just drop them in sopping heaps on their bedroom floor and hope that I don't notice.

Mothers always notice.

Oh, and don't get me going on cereal bags that get left open!

But my biggest pet peeve is people who are slower than death when I'm trying to get something done quickly.  Today's near-victim of my wrath?  A man at the convenience store.  All I wanted was that 16 oz. coffee to get me through the rest of the day.  He stood at the coffee counter with two coffee cups, preparing them at the speed of zero.  I counted him opening twenty sugar packets.  Twenty!!  ONE. AT. A. FRICKEN. TIME!!!  - individually pouring each little sweetner on my last nerve!!  But before he opened each packet, he made sure to carefully shake them three times.  *shake, shake, shake*, *tear*, *pour* and repeat.  The very sound of this was enough to make me lose my shit.  And it's not like he moved aside to allow me to do my thing.  Nope!  Didn't he know I was in a hurry??!!  Well, he should have.  Damn it.

Coffee in and digested.  I'm all better now.

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