Monday, April 2, 2012

My Stuffed Animals Told Me To

Happy Monday Readers,

That was completely sarcastic.

So yesterday went off without a hitch.  No April Fools jokes were played on me by my husband.  Guess he values his life a little more than I thought he did.  Kind of sad, really.  I anticipated something all day long.  If you men are going to talk so much game, you should sort of try to back it up.  Otherwise, it's just that; talk.  ;)

Amaya got on the subject yesterday again about boobs.  I thought we had gone over this.  While I was finishing up getting ready for the lunch we were about to attend she said, "Mom, I accidentally talked about boobs the other day at school."

I spun around, slightly annoyed, and asked, "How do you accidentally do that, Amaya?  You know you're not suppose to be talking about that stuff, especially at school.  Not a kiddie-convo topic!"

"Well," she hesitated, "It wasn't just me.  It was me and a bunch of my friends.  We were talking about our mom's boobs."

"And exactly what were you saying?"

"We were talking about how big our moms' boobs were.  I told my friends yours were BIG!" she followed this with a gesture with her hands indicating size.

"Amaya," I started, but she cut me off.

"DAD taught me that!  I heard him say that!  Maybe you should talk to him!"


Amaya is our very vocal and very imaginitive child.  If you know her, you know exactly what I mean.  This morning, in fact, she showed her bright colors in a light that's a little bit scary to see sometimes. 

As usual, the girls have their morning routine.  They get up, they have breakfast, they get dressed, they comb their hair, they brush their teeth, and they gather their things for school. 

This morning, like many other mornings, the girls bickered while they got ready.  Linnea is super sensitive and she was reduced to tears by Amaya's tauntings. Amaya said she wished Linnea wasn't her sister. Spencer scolded Amaya but the bickering continued.  As Spencer was walking by Amaya's bedroom, she was crying.  When he asked what the problem was, she said her stuffed animals told her to call Linnea names.  She didn't want to, but they made her do it.


Normally, one might consider this type of accusation to be age-related, and we're hoping that's the case.  This isn't the first time she's stated that another voice told her to do it.  Guess we'll be watching this one closely over the next few years.

On that note, my break is over, and my coffee is telling me to drink it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how we love sibling rivalry!! As far as voices...I believe children can hear and see things at young ages because of their innocence but later on grow out of it...
