Sunday, November 4, 2012

What? It's only been like six months! Okay...almost seven.

Happy Sunday, Readers!

Well, Halloween is behind us.  Thanks, kids for the candy jackpot! My hips will thank you more, I'm sure.  With Thanksgiving and Christmas on the horizon, it only seems fitting to jot down a list of things I am thankful for.  I will not neglect the little things either.

  • I am thankful that there is more toilet paper in the house today.  It was difficult making that one dwindling roll a traveling commodity between the two bathrooms for those two days.

  • I am thankful for 10 holiday seasons with the love of my life.  We have been through a lot, as most couples have, but we have endured and survived a lot that some couples don't pull out of.  He knows how to push my buttons, but he also knows how to make me laugh, and a day does not pass in this household without laughter.  That is immeasurable.

  • I am thankful for the two little girls that we have been blessed with.  They are both smart as whips, blessed with boundless beauty and they both have unique senses of humor to boot.  They make every day worth waking up for.  Sure, they test patience like any child will, but at the end of the day, I wouldn't change a single thing about them.

  • I am thankful for my family. My brothers, my sisters, my extended family - I love you.  My in-laws who are a constant beacon in our lives who are always there for us - I love you beyond measure.  For the sister I had growing up who I lost touch with for a while but then we came back together.  The time we spend together is priceless and precious to me.  I absolutely adore you and love you with all my heart.  (I can't wait to find out what baby #4 is!) <3

  • I am thankful for my job.  Sure, it's not glamorous.  Sure, I don't make the 'big bucks'.  But there are people out there who do not have jobs who desperately need one, and I do not take the paycheck for granted.  And in all honesty, I like what I do.  I guess I can't complain too much.  Someday I will make it to where I want to go, but for now, I will take what I've got.

  • I am thankful for my friends.  Every single one of you is in my life for a reason, and there are a select few who have been there for a long time.  They never left when things got difficult.  They took my side, even when I was wrong.  They are my 'sisters'.  Then there are the friends I've met along the way - college, work, etc.  I have become extremely close with some of these people and they make every day at work far more enjoyable.  I can honestly say I laugh every day at work - even on the bad days.

  • I am thankful for the home that my husband and I built with our own two hands.  The same home that sometimes causes me strife and stresses me out shelters us and our family and is something we all gravitate to at the end of every day.  It's where we wake up in the mornings and fall asleep at night.  It's where we snuggle and argue and laugh.  It was built with four walls, three words, two hearts and one love.  <3

  • I am thankful for Swiffer dust wipes, bleach, Tide and trashbags - you have all proven very useful this weekend.
I ask that you take a moment to think about those things that really matter to you.  Even if you don't voice them, acknowledge them in your mind.  Count your blessings!  (:

Until next time. . .


  1. All are great things to be thankful for. :D

  2. Love you too! Enjoy everyday...

    Give those girls my love!

